Personal Fitness Coaching
Customized to Your Lifestyle

Tired of mediocre health? Get a customized plan and coach
to achieve better health and reach your fitness goals.

Tired of trying new diets and putting your body through unhealthy extremes?

Fitness was never meant to be a one-size-fits-all. You are unique. Your goals are specific to you. What your body needs is different than the next.

That’s why, trying to attain your fitness goals by jumping from one diet to the next only leaves you frustrated. When what worked like a charm for your friends has no effect on you, it’s sickening.

Here’s the thing: with a customized fitness plan, you can finally stop jumping between diets and putting your body through crazy extremes. Instead, you can lock in and start being consistent with something that truly fits AND works for your body.


Get Reforgd. Be Relentless.

At Reforgd Fitness, we make it super easy to get a personalized workout plan that fits your body and schedule.

And here’s the good news: you can start without ever going to the gym. We’ll show you how to maximize your results with whatever time you have - whether it’s 10 minutes several times a week, or 3+ hours every single day.

We’re ready to help you take charge whenever and wherever it suits you best!

We Get It

Having been obese as a child, but carrying an athletic body as an adult, I know how overwhelming it feels to try reaching your fitness goals alone.

Twelve years into my fitness journey, I've discovered that the secret to attaining the body of your dreams is having a reliable workout coach who can create a personalized workout plan tailored to your body and then guide you in sticking to it.


How It Works

Choose Your Package

Talk to a personalized
fitness coach and discuss
what you want to achieve

Get Your Personalized Workout Plan

Access a plan customized
to fit your schedule,
time constraints, and lifestyle.

Achieve Your

Look better, feel better,
and start living the life
you always dreamed.

There Are No Shortcuts

There are hundreds of weight loss programs and workout plans available today. You could spend thousands of dollars trying each of them.

And they all have true information about exercise and nutrition!

What they don't tell you is this: they are selling you on a picture without revealing the process.

The models you see in their advertising spent years working hard to achieve the bodies they have. When in reality, there are no shortcuts to reaching your fitness potential. No one program or diet will turn you into Prince Charming or Cinderella overnight.

It Takes Commitment

Looking and feeling your best requires more than a quick work out when it’s convenient. Fitness and health are a lifestyle. They are a daily commitment to eating the right food and exercising your body well.

How do I know this? Because I've been there.

I've spent thousands of dollars trying different plans. I've watched as a dieting plan worked wonders for a friend but did nothing for me. I learned the hard way that while many workout plans promise certain results in a short amount of time, they usually involve unsustainable levels of exercise.

Diets that promise to help you reach your goals in six to eight weeks require eating habits that are impossible to maintain over a long period of time.

Get Ready for a Lifestyle Change

What happens at the end of other plans?

You slowly begin returning to the body you had before.

Experiencing this frustrating cycle led me to start Reforgd Fitness. Here, we offer a personalized workout plan that fits your body and style with one-on-one coaching and accountability. We'll guide you - one step at a time - in developing healthy habits that are sustainable and sure to bring lasting results!

No more binge diets and unsustainable levels of exercise. Instead, enjoy healthier habits that are truly sustainable.

It's time to uncover the motivation you need and the tools you've been missing to reach your fitness potential and maintain it for the rest of your life!

Don’t Just Take Our Word

Hear what the reFORGD community is saying

Dawson Weaver

Jaden Esh

Jennifer Kauffman

Hi, my name is Jen and I’ve been working with Andrew on my running for about a month and a half now…  It’s been really cool to see the big improvements that can be made over just a month’s period of time. I did about a six second decrease in time on my one mile in a few short weeks!…

Cloei Riebe

Thanks to Coach Andrew I took third Place on my first Spartan Race!

Trent King

I learned how to work-out in a way that I was able to see incredible gains over a few months!

Cameron Kauffman

Jennifer Kauffman

Within the first few weeks I was running faster and decreased 60 seconds off my mile!

David Graybill

Eugene Stoltzfus

Jennifer Kauffman

Within the first few weeks I was running faster and decreased 60 seconds off my mile!

Whatever Your Goals,
Let's Reach Them Together

You don't have to be fit to start. You just need to start.
Choose your package and let's get started.


  • Get a personalized workout program
  • Focus on both endurance and strength
  • Access an app customized to you and your goals
  • Watch informative videos for each exercise
  • Access weekly responses inside the app
  • Complete a one-on-one session each month
  • Get monthly feedback on training and log comments
  • Enjoy flexibility to adjust the program to fit your schedule  
per month


  • Get a personalized workout program
  • Focus on both endurance and strength
  • Enjoy a personalized nutrition plan
  • Access an app customized to you and your goals
  • Watch informative videos for each exercise
  • Get constructive feedback on training and log comments
  • Enjoy flexibility to adjust the program to fit your schedule
  • Enjoy weekly one-on-one check-ins
per month


  • Get a personalized workout program
  • Focus on both endurance and strength
  • Access an app customized to you and your goals
  • Get constructive feedback on training and log comments
  • Enjoy flexibility to adjust the program to fit your schedule
  • Enjoy a personalized nutrition plan
  • Access lifestyle coaching
  • Develop discipline and build good habits
  • Enjoy weekly one-on-one check-ins
per month

Custom Run Program

  • Get a personalized running program
  • Access an app customized to meet your specific goals. The app includes detailed information for each exercise.
  • Enjoy monthly check-ins via email
per month

Custom Strength Program

  • Get a personalized strength program
  • Access an app customized to meet your specific goals. The app includes detailed information for each exercise.
  • Enjoy monthly check-ins via email
per month